
11. BACK ISSUES: In the last issue I mentioned that there were a lot of new readers who would like to have those issues which are now out of print, namely Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8. I repeat my offer to those of you who have any of these issues that you do not want any longer--I will allow a credit of half of the orig- inal cost against any other material, that is, $2 each toward anything else you want. There are a lot of readers hoping that this will result in some returns, but so far it has only brought in about a half dozen miscellaneous issues. This deal applies ONLY to the old issues listed above.

III. MORE SERIOUS MATERIAL: It is necessary to have considerable variety of material in TVia in the way of fiction, histories, letters, articles, experiences etc. in order to keep it interesting. However, for some time I have wanted to solicit some more solid material from those able and willing to contribute. I would like to put out a separate volumn of such mat- erial. So I ask those of you who have some deeper and more serious ideas about TVism in any of its facets to write an article about it. This issue will also contain some fiction pieces, but they must be of a more serious content with some particular message or idea to be gotten across. In such stories TVism is liable to be a somewhat more incidental part of the plot then in the type of fiction generally appearing in TVia. I already have several essays and stories saved upfor this volume and I'd like to publish it this fall. So if any of you have something to get off of your chest whether as article, story, poetry, satire, car- toon or whatever, please sent it in and mark it as be- ing submitted for the special volume. I'm tentatively thinking of the itle of "Insights into Transvestism" and I'd like the volume to be composed of more instruc- tive and educational material so that it could be read with profit by persons who are not TVs. Your hel contributions and suggestions are solicited.


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IV. THE ORDEAL IS OVER: the echoes will be around for a long time. I mean that my divorce has been settled.